This module builds the QFT in Qiskit and runs it
(nWires)[source]¶ Returns the length (number of gates) of the QFT.
Parameters: nWires (int) – Number of qbits on the system. Returns: int – Number of gates in the QFT.
(nWires)[source]¶ - Returns a list of quantum circuit of the QFT built up to \(k\) gates, with
- \(k\) varying between 0 and the full length of the QFT.
Parameters: nWires (int) – Number of qbits on the system. Returns: list[QuantumCircuit] – A lits the partial QFTs of length varying between 0 and the full length of the QFT.
(nWires, k, measure=False)[source]¶ Builds the QFT on nWires wires up to the \(k^{th}\) state generates.
Note that the whole QFT can be generated in Qiskit using the \(QFT\) method
Parameters: - nWires (int) – number of wires
- k (int) – number of gates in the output
Returns: QuantumCirctuit – \(k^{th}\) first gates of the QFT circuit
(filename, iteration, evaluation=False)[source]¶ - The file fed in this function must be a csv file with one of columns
- being named “iteration”, an other one being named “coefficients” and if the \(evaluation\) parameter is set to \(True\) a column named “intricationValue”. The “iteration” column must contain integers, the “coefficients” column must contain tuples of real numbers (the mermin coefficients) and the “intricationValue” column must contain real numbers.
- Example:
>>> get_coef_from_optimization_file("../examples/QFT-optimized-coefficients/1-1-4.csv",2) ([(-0.197738971530022, -0.00983193840670331, 0.980205403028067), (0.892812904656093, -0.035586934469795, 0.449019695976237), (-0.892282320991669, -0.00788653439204609, -0.451408974457756), (0.982839628418978, 0.012341254672589, -0.184048793102134)], [(0.430894968126063, -0.0211632981654613, 0.902153890006799), (-0.984337747324624, 0.0105235779205133, 0.175978559772592), (0.984221659519729, -0.0118117927364157, -0.176545196719091), (0.883187500168151, 0.0083188846423974, 0.468946303647911)])
Parameters: - filename (str) – Name of the CSV file containing the information about the Mermin coefficients.
- iteration (int) – Designates the line from which the data must be retrieved.
- intricationValue (bool) – If \(True\), the evaluation will be returned as well as the coefficients.
Returns: tuple[list[tuple[real]]], real(optional) – The mermin coefficients previously optimized in packed shape, eventually with the optimum computed with these coefficients.
(l, r, nWires)[source]¶ - Returns the periodic state \(|\varphi^{l,r}>\) of size \(2^{nWires}\). We
- have:
\(|\varphi^{l,r}> = \sum_{i=0}^{A-1}|l+ir>/\sqrt(A)\) with \(A = floor((2^{nWires}-l)/r)+1\)
In this definition,
is the shift of the state, andr
is the period of the state.- Example:
Since \(|\varphi^{1,5}> = (|1>+|6>+|11>)/\sqrt(3)=(|0001>+|0110>+|1011>)/\sqrt(3)\),
>>> periodic_state(1,5,4) (0, 1/3*sqrt(3), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/3*sqrt(3), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/3*sqrt(3), 0, 0, 0, 0)
Parameters: - l (int) – The shift of the state.
- r (int) – The period of the state.
- nWires (int) – The size of the system (number of qubits).
Returns: vector – The state defined by
according to the definition given above.