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Testing Quantum Contextuality of the Symplectic Polar Space on a Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum Computer

Copyright (C) 2021 Frédéric Holweck.

Contact: frederic[at]


We tested macroscopic contextual inequalities with the online quantum computers of the IBM Quantum Experience. More precisely we provide codes to generate the points (multiqubit Pauli matrices) and lines (triple of mutually commuting operators whose product is +I, -I) of some specific finite geometries and we evaluate for these geometries some contextual inequalities studied by Adan Cabello. The computations show that for the symplectic polar space of rank 2 and order 2 - a point-line configuration known as the doily - and for the symplectic polar space of rank 3 and order 2, the inequalities are strongly violated by the results provided by the IBM Quantum Computers. For the symplectic polar space of rank 3 and order 2, our experiment involves the measurement of 315 different 3-qubits contexts. Codes to test the inequalities on hyperbolic quadrics (subgeometries corresponding to the Mermin-Pere squares in the rank 2 case) are also provided.

The codes are written using python and the python library Qiskit and are available, as well as examples of results, in the following folder Src.

More details can be found in the article [H21].

This program is distributed under the GNU GPL 3. See the enclosed file LICENSE.


[H21] Frédéric Holweck Testing Quantum Contextuality of the Symplectic Polar Space on a Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum Computer arXiv:2101.03812