Source code for flattening

import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations
from math import comb, floor

[docs]def maximum_of_flattening(n): """ Calculates the maximum of flattening types that can be done. If the reuslt of the calculation is a float, then, this number turns out to be the largest integer less or equal to our number. Examples: >>> maximum_of_flattening(4) 2 >>> maximum_of_flattening(7) 3 :parameter int n: The number of qubits. :return: int -- The maximum number of flattening types. """ return floor(n / 2)
[docs]def maximum_of_matrices(n, type_of_flattening): """ Calculates the maximum of matrices for a type of flattening. If the type of flattening is a divider of the number of qubits, then, the first result is divided by 2. Examples: >>> maximum_of_matrices(2, 1) 1.0 >>> maximum_of_matrices(4, 2) 3.0 :parameter int n: The number of qubits. :parameter int type_of_flattening : The type of flattening. :return: float -- The maximum number of matrices. """ max_matrices = comb(n, type_of_flattening) if n % type_of_flattening == 0: max_matrices = max_matrices / 2 return max_matrices
[docs]def convert_in_binary(number, bits=0): """ Converts an int into a string containing the number in bits. Examples: >>> convert_in_binary(5,3) "101" >>> convert_in_binary(5,5) "00101" :parameter int number: the number that is going to be converted. :parameter int bits: the number of bits required. :return: str -- The converted number. """ return format(number, "b").zfill(bits)
[docs]def putting_in_list(number): """ Puts every figure of the number into a list type. Example: >>> putting_in_list("000") [0, 0, 0] :parameter str number: The number to split in a string format. :return: list[int] -- The list with every digit of the number in a case. """ number_in_caracters = str(number) number_in_list = [] for caracter in number_in_caracters: number_in_list.append(int(caracter)) return number_in_list
[docs]def list_of_combinaisons(n, type_of_flattening): """ Realizes the possible combinations for a type of flattening. Examples: >>> list_of_combinaisons(5, 1) [(1,), (2,), (3,), (4,), (5,)] >>> list_of_combinaisons(4, 2) [(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)] :parameter int n: The number of qubits. :parameter int type_of_flattening : The current type of flattening. :return: list[list[int]] -- The list of every possible combination. """ if type_of_flattening == 1: n = n + 1 l = list(range(1, n)) combinaisons_list = [] for i in combinations(l, type_of_flattening): combinaisons_list.append(i) return combinaisons_list
[docs]def list_of_combinaisons_for_invariant(n): """ Realizes the possible combinations for a type of flattening. Example: >>> list_of_combinaisons(4) [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)] :parameter int n: The number of qubits. :return: list[list[int]] -- The list of every possible combination. """ L = list(range(n)) combinaisons_list = [] for i in combinations(L, 2): combinaisons_list.append(i) return combinaisons_list
[docs]def flattening_and_rank_calculation(n, T): """ Constructs the matrices of every flattening type. Example: >>> flattening_and_rank_calculation(3, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) ([2, 2, 2], [[array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]), array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]), array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])]]) :parameter int n: The number of qubits. :parameter list[int] T : A list filled with the coefficients corresponding to the vector. :return: list[np.array[int]] -- A list of all the matrices after all flatennings. """ q = maximum_of_flattening(n) all_coef_matrices = [] for m in range(1, q + 1): list_combinaisons = list_of_combinaisons(n, m) coef_matrices = [] for i in range(len(list_combinaisons)): l = list_combinaisons[i] M = [[]] for h in range(2 ** m - 1): M.append([]) for j in range(2 ** n): bin_j = convert_in_binary(j, n) v = putting_in_list(bin_j) w = "" for k in range(m): w += str(v[l[k] - 1]) M[int(w, 2)].append(T[j]) M = np.array(M) coef_matrices.append(M) all_coef_matrices.append(coef_matrices) return all_coef_matrices