from builtins import complex
from math import e, pi
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cm import *
from mu import *
from gme import *
# Variables for the random walk algorithm
type_of_mu = 0
alpha = 5
alpha_min = 0.00001
c_max = 200
[docs]def cas_matrice_z(n, angles, basis):
""" Generates the vectors for the algorithm computation.
This depends on the basis and also on the angles for QPEA.
>>> cas_matrice_z(2, [0, 1, 2], 1)
[[0.5 (0.5+0j) 0.5 (0.5+0j)]
[0.5 (0.5+0j) 0.5 (0.5-1.2246467991473532e-16j)]
[0.5 (0.5+0j) 0.5 (0.5-2.4492935982947064e-16j)]]
:parameter int n: The number of qubits.
:parameter np.array[float] angles : The table of the angle values.
:parameter int basis: The value of the number of qubits on the second register.
:return: np.array[complex] -- A table of vectors corresponding to each angle value.
if basis == 1:
psi = psi_calculation_qpea_base_0(n, angles)
psi = psi_calculation_qpea_base_00(n, angles)
return psi
[docs]def cas_matrice_g(n, angles, basis):
""" Generates the vectors depending on the basis and also the angles for QCA.
>>> cas_matrice_g(2, [0, 1, 2], 1)
[[0.5 (0.5+0j) 0.5 (0.5+0j)]
[0.5 (0.5+0j) 0.5 (0.5+0j)]
[0.5 (0.5+0j) 0.5 0.5]]
:parameter int n: The number of qubits.
:parameter np.array[float] angles : The table of the angle values.
:parameter int basis: The value of the number of qubits on the second register.
:return: np.array[complex] -- A table of vectors corresponding to each angle value.
if basis == 1:
psi = psi_calculation_qca_base_0(n, angles)
psi = psi_calculation_qpea_base_00(n, angles)
return psi
[docs]def angles_determination(min, max, step):
""" Generates a table of different values.
Each table value corresponds to an angle which will be involved in the
algorithms calculations and variations.
>>> angles_determination(0, 10, 1)
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
:parameter int min: The minimal value of the angle.
:parameter int max: The maximal value of the angle.
:parameter float step: The step of variation of the angle.
:return: np.array[float] -- The table of float values of the angle.
angles = np.arange(min, max, step)
return angles
[docs]def psi_calculation_qca_base_0(n, thetas):
""" Computes the vector for each angle for QCA.
This is for the case where there are only one qubit on the second register.
This means that the total number of qubits of all the system is n + 1.
>>> psi_calculation_qca_base_0(3, [0, 1])
[[(0.35355339059327373+0j) (0.35355339059327373+0j)
(0.35355339059327373+0j) (0.35355339059327373+0j)
(0.35355339059327373+0j) (0.35355339059327373+0j)
(0.35355339059327373+0j) (0.35355339059327373+0j)]
[(-0.35355339059327373-4.329780281177466e-17j) (-0.35355339059327373-4.329780281177466e-17j)
(-0.35355339059327373-1.2989340843532398e-16j) (-0.35355339059327373+4.329780281177466e-17j)
(-0.35355339059327373-2.164890140588733e-16j) (-0.35355339059327373+1.2989340843532398e-16j)
(-0.35355339059327373-3.0308461968242264e-16j) (-0.35355339059327373+2.164890140588733e-16j)]]
:parameter int n: The number of qubits.
:parameter np.array(float) thetas : The table of float values of the angle.
:return: np.array[complex] -- A table of vectors corresponding to each angle value.
norm = 1 / sqrt(2 ** n)
max = 2 ** (n - 1)
liste = []
for theta in thetas:
psi_liste = []
for x in range(max):
zero = -2 * 1j * pi * theta * (x + 0.5)
psi_liste.append((e ** zero) * norm)
un = 2 * 1j * pi * theta * (x - 0.5)
psi_liste.append((e ** un) * norm)
psi = np.array(liste, dtype=object)
return psi
[docs]def psi_calculation_qca_base_00(n, thetas):
""" Computes the vector for each angle for QCA.
This is the case where there are two qubits on the second register.
This means that the total number of qubits of all the system is n + 2.
>>> psi_calculation_qca_base_00(3, [0, 1])
[[(0.17677669529663687+0j) (0.17677669529663687+0j)
(0.17677669529663687+0j) (0.17677669529663687+0j)
(0.17677669529663687+0j) (0.17677669529663687+0j)
(0.17677669529663687+0j) (0.17677669529663687+0j)]
[(-0.17677669529663687-2.164890140588733e-17j) (-0.17677669529663687-2.164890140588733e-17j)
(-0.17677669529663687-2.164890140588733e-17j) (-0.17677669529663687-2.164890140588733e-17j)
(-0.17677669529663687-6.494670421766199e-17j) (-0.17677669529663687-6.494670421766199e-17j)
(-0.17677669529663687+2.164890140588733e-17j) (-0.17677669529663687+2.164890140588733e-17j)]]
:parameter int n: The number of qubits.
:parameter np.array[float] thetas : The table of float values of the angle.
:return: np.array[complex] -- A table of vectors corresponding to each angle value on which the algorithm will be
norm = 1 / sqrt(2 ** (n + 2))
max = 2 ** (n - 2)
liste = []
for theta in thetas:
psi_liste = []
for x in range(max):
zero = -2 * 1j * pi * theta * (x + 0.5)
psi_liste.append((e ** zero) * norm)
psi_liste.append((e ** zero) * norm)
un = 2 * 1j * pi * theta * (x - 0.5)
psi_liste.append((e ** un) * norm)
psi_liste.append((e ** un) * norm)
psi = np.array(liste, dtype=object)
return psi
[docs]def psi_calculation_qpea_base_0(n, phis):
""" Computes the vector for each angle for the QPEA.
This is the case where there are only one qubit on the second register.
This means that the total number of qubits of all the system is n + 1.
>>> psi_calculation_qca_base_0(3, [0, 1])
[[0.35355339059327373 (0.35355339059327373+0j) 0.35355339059327373
(0.35355339059327373+0j) 0.35355339059327373 (0.35355339059327373+0j)
0.35355339059327373 (0.35355339059327373+0j)]
[0.35355339059327373 (0.35355339059327373+0j) 0.35355339059327373
(0.35355339059327373-8.659560562354932e-17j) 0.35355339059327373
(0.35355339059327373-1.7319121124709863e-16j) 0.35355339059327373
:parameter int n: The number of qubits.
:parameter np.array[float] phis : The table of float values of the angle.
:return: np.array[complex] -- A table of vectors corresponding to each angle value.
norm = 1 / sqrt(2 ** n)
max = 2 ** (n - 1)
liste = []
for phi in phis:
psi_liste = []
for x in range(max):
psi_liste.append(norm * (e ** (complex(0, 2 * pi * x * phi))))
psi = np.array(liste, dtype=object)
return psi
[docs]def psi_calculation_qpea_base_00(n, phis):
""" Computes the vector for each angle for the QPEA.
This is the case where there are two qubits on the second register.
This means that the total number of qubits of all the system is n + 2.
>>> psi_calculation_qca_base_0(3, [0, 1])
[[0.35355339059327373 0.35355339059327373 (0.35355339059327373+0j)
(0.35355339059327373+0j) 0.35355339059327373 -0.35355339059327373
(0.35355339059327373+0j) (0.35355339059327373+0j)]
[0.35355339059327373 0.35355339059327373 (0.35355339059327373+0j)
(0.35355339059327373+0j) 0.35355339059327373 -0.35355339059327373
:parameter int n: The number of qubits.
:parameter np.array[float] phis : The table of float values of the angle.
:return: np.array[complex] -- A table of vectors corresponding to each angle value.
norm = 1 / sqrt(2 ** n)
max = 2 ** (n - 2)
liste = []
for phi in phis:
psi_liste = []
for x in range(max):
psi_liste.append(norm * ((-1) ** x))
psi_liste.append(norm * (e ** (-2j * pi * x * phi)))
psi_liste.append(norm * (e ** (2j * pi * x * phi)))
psi = np.array(liste, dtype=object)
return psi
[docs]def calcul_invariant_cm(n, psi):
""" Calculates the value of the invariant based on the coefficient matrices.
:parameter int n: The number of qubits.
:parameter np.array[complex] psi : The table of vectors for the algorithm.
:return: np.array[complex] -- The list of the coefficients calculated.
liste_cms = []
for i in range(len(psi)):
cm = printing_cms(n, psi[i])
return liste_cms
[docs]def calcul_invariant_mu(n, angles, psi):
""" Calculates the value of the invariant based on Mermin polynomials.
:parameter int n: The number of qubits.
:parameter np.array[float] angles : The table of the angle values.
:parameter np.array[float] psi : The table of vectors for the algorithm.
:return: np.array[complex] -- The list of the coefficients calculated.
liste_mus = []
for i in range(len(angles)):
liste_mus.append(xbest_calculation(n, alpha, alpha_min, c_max, psi[i]))
return liste_mus
[docs]def calcul_invariant_gme(n, angles, psi):
""" Calculates the value of the invariant based on Mermin polynomials.
:parameter int n: The number of qubits.
:parameter np.array[float] angles : The table of the angle values.
:parameter np.array[float] psi : The table of vectors for the algorithm.
:return: np.array[complex] -- The list of the coefficients calculated.
liste_gmes = []
for i in range(len(angles)):
liste_gmes.append(gme_best_calculation(n, psi[i], alpha, alpha_min, c_max))
return liste_gmes
[docs]def run(n_first_register, n_second_register, case, test, cm=True, mu=True, gm=True):
""" Generates a table of different values that corresponds to an angle.
The angles will be involved in the algorithms calculations and variations.
:parameter int n_first_register: The number of qubits on the first register of the system.
:parameter int n_second_register: The value of the number of qubits on the second register.
:parameter str case: The value that determines the type of algorithm : "G" for qca or "Z" for qpea.
:parameter boolean test: This determines if all the cases will be run or not.
:parameter boolean cm : This determines if the invariant based on coefficient matrices should be calculated or not
:parameter boolean mu : This determines if the invariant based on Mermin polynials should be calculated or not
:parameter boolean gm : This determines if the geometric measure invariant should be calculated or not
:return: np.array[float] -- The table of float values of the angle.
# Initialisations
cms = []
mus = []
gmes = []
psis = []
figure_name = ""
figure_title = ""
# Deletes the old records
# Angles
angles = angles_determination(min=0, max=1, step=0.01)
# Total number of qubits definition
n_total = n_first_register + n_second_register
# Basis choice
if case == "Z":
figure_name = "QPEA"
psis = cas_matrice_z(n_total, angles, n_second_register)
figure_title = "Quantum Phase Estimation Algorithm "
if case == "G":
figure_name = "QCA"
psis = cas_matrice_g(n_total, angles, n_second_register)
figure_title = "Quantum Counting Algorithm "
partial_name = str(n_first_register) + "+" + str(n_second_register) + "qubits"
# Figure title
figure_title += "for " + partial_name
if test:
mus = [0.9999999999067279, 1.0103062222152035, 1.0405665920265939, 1.0889422751646143, 1.1527524278805945,
1.2288389766268188, 1.3138405208539408, 1.4043483587175283, 1.496980728967107, 1.5884231296220788,
1.6754690852864125, 1.755078083330678, 1.8244644421456928, 1.8811919708574691, 1.9233067103801844,
1.9494805496877794, 1.9591481218698696, 1.9526719570212117, 1.9314873490675082, 1.8982328255914078,
1.856830989996974, 1.812463816884072, 1.7713548382279636, 1.7402410919708633, 1.7255335895156148,
1.7320508073458023, 1.7620354373100198, 1.8145278515514063, 1.885676776176094, 1.9694898609990459,
2.0590476587362216, 2.1473898028424565, 2.2281717566662085, 2.2960387077701476, 2.346805761501569,
2.3775198481459032, 2.386450618004572, 2.3730514404152783, 2.337857957727014, 2.282412727350107,
2.209140544981537, 2.1212166619215393, 2.0224569280724434, 1.9171923595909324, 1.8101627493296928,
1.7064220309937372, 1.6112106582550543, 1.5298234744484558, 1.4672424510969109, 1.4277324369209297,
1.4142135620999805, 1.4277324347673055, 1.4672425897845138, 1.529823120689342, 1.6112107722854376,
1.706397114563703, 1.810163018834823, 1.917192903264069, 2.0224570878922603, 2.121216645317109,
2.2091406434618444, 2.2824129499826364, 2.337857920775528, 2.3730517264330504, 2.386451442652399,
2.3775198912375686, 2.346805770061271, 2.2960387074996693, 2.2281717723242105, 2.147389829660271,
2.059047723972027, 1.9694897162155698, 1.8856766120231359, 1.8145398129064096, 1.7620349975820364,
1.732050807057174, 1.7255337868883218, 1.7402460220754987, 1.7713547492766084, 1.8124639943559362,
1.856831077120687, 1.898232855205713, 1.9314873101625183, 1.952671957350256, 1.9591481147363243,
1.9494805983340204, 1.9233059764470963, 1.881191270166835, 1.824464380198904, 1.7550778407042589,
1.6754690439110307, 1.5884231310548558, 1.4969807310340382, 1.404348356864725, 1.313840520917688,
1.2288389760180813, 1.1527524298488945, 1.0889422804377134, 1.0405665867274447, 1.0103062903380824]
gmes = [9.988188054421698e-11, 0.005170899886881686, 0.020556444565457466, 0.045779310777429694,
0.080224273599112, 0.12305814295608786, 0.17325662410511855, 0.22963710323288644, 0.2908961490792845,
0.35565034746109636, 0.42247898202151435, 0.47934455650004193, 0.49831527703978074, 0.49870809915894976,
0.49088593550877246, 0.48000292329213623, 0.4691605712365421, 0.4604855812965428, 0.4555075951999775,
0.4552237160102125, 0.4599552617985945, 0.4690252430098939, 0.48040828118946455, 0.49095458362373856,
0.49782072437542035, 0.5000000001063967, 0.4983002159372162, 0.494401447354348, 0.4900606178792827,
0.48663489763556866, 0.4848846956219197, 0.48500431552267653, 0.48676182332598195, 0.48964925076788546,
0.4930139555600691, 0.49618187595248864, 0.4985806392388925, 0.4998423471713588, 0.4998466790699849,
0.4986876518187885, 0.4965932524111609, 0.49384423816450496, 0.4907185856135208, 0.4874634278661204,
0.4842855895710807, 0.48135176643242483, 0.4787925688308179, 0.47682868046764715, 0.4790143143573391,
0.4868346734349447, 0.50000000003228, 0.48683467347205034, 0.4790143144678166, 0.4768286811591098,
0.4787925688776139, 0.4813517664087923, 0.48428558957908063, 0.4874634278304283, 0.4907185856598357,
0.49384423815238965, 0.4965932523141716, 0.49868765183897823, 0.4998466791367343, 0.4998423472561506,
0.49858063922618834, 0.49618187593169905, 0.49301395553496363, 0.48964925079317767, 0.4867618233612544,
0.4850043155206073, 0.4848846955959414, 0.4866348975706738, 0.49006061784854515, 0.49440144733215374,
0.49830021591848384, 0.5000000000229394, 0.49782072430287116, 0.4909545835843562, 0.4804082811491477,
0.46902524303397386, 0.4599552618131959, 0.45522371591874444, 0.4555075951963953, 0.4604855812303088,
0.46916057126002564, 0.4800029233215385, 0.49088593547903514, 0.49870809910605485, 0.49831527707243817,
0.47934455649636887, 0.42247898198326606, 0.3556503474739049, 0.2908961490297365, 0.2296371032404957,
0.17325662406164344, 0.12305814306230756, 0.08022427346340089, 0.045779310579230015,
0.020556444624852954, 0.005170900003777734]
if cm:
figure_name += "_CM"
if not cms:
cms = calcul_invariant_cm(n_total, psis)
if mu:
figure_name += "_MU"
if not mus:
mus = calcul_invariant_mu(n_total, angles, psis)
if gm:
figure_name += "_GME"
if not gmes:
gmes = calcul_invariant_gme(n_total, angles, psis)
if cms:
plt.plot(angles, cms, label="CM")
if mus:
plt.plot(angles, mus, label="MU")
if gmes:
plt.plot(angles, gmes, label="GME")
# Figure name and saving
figure_name += "_" + partial_name + "_" + str('%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M'))
# Shows the image