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Contextuality degree of quadrics in multi-qubit symplectic polar spaces
Taxonomy of Polar Subspaces of Multi-Qubit Symplectic Polar Spaces of Small Rank
Three-Qubit-Embedded Split Cayley Hexagon is Contextuality Sensitive

Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Henri de Boutray

Contact: henrideboutray[at]


The code has been developed to study quantum geometries generated with symplectic polar spaces in correspondence with the Pauli group. In particular, contextuality for the article [dHG+22] presented as a poster [dHG+21] for QPL’21, subspaces structures for the article [SdHG21] and the Cayley hexagon for the article [HdS22]. The language chosen was Magma since it is a well-established language for mathematics.

These articles are closely related to the content of the program files.


We give a heads up to the user: due to the way Magma is achitectured, installation is not trivial so some manual work is needed in order to run our code.

Two types of files are used in this project:

The intrinsics are typed and compiled function, their use allow us a greater flexibility (as overloading), as well as the usual benefits of typing (earlier error detection, safer usage, …). But since packages are compiled, they must be treated differently to scripts. In order to deal with this, the simplest solution is to put these files in a Magma source code folder. These folders are listed in the system environment variable MAGMA_SYSTEM_SPEC accessible through the Magma prompt with the command GetEnv("MAGMA_SYSTEM_SPEC");. But this may be impossible for many reasons, in this case please refer to this documentation page to understand how to attach a package in Magma. You can obviously contact me directly in case you cannot find out how to attach the packages on your system. All packages are in the src/intrinsics folder.

Once the intrinsics attached, you can call them in scripts or in the Magma shell. The Main_***.m files are such examples of scripts. All scripts are in the src/mains folder.

Assuming Magma is installed on your computer, here is a list of commands you may use to run our programs. Please keep in mind that they are not the only ones that will work and they are only meant to work on Unix-like systems. (You should understand commands copied from the web before running them!)

git clone
touch ~/.bashrc
echo "export \"MAGMA_USER_SPEC=$(pwd)/intrinsics.spec\"" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
cd mains
magma Main_AllContextualityChecks.m

Scripts to articles matching

As stated previously, the code follows closely the content of the corresponding papers.

The results described in Table 2 of [dHG+22] are given by the script Main_AllContextualityChecks.m.

[SdHG21] presenting a variety of results, several scripts were written to generate them. In particular:

[HdS22]’s results (number of embeddings and contextuality of their complement) are obtainable by running the script Main_Skewed-Cayley-hexagon.m.

This program is distributed under the GNU GPL 3. See the enclosed file LICENSE.


[dHG+22] Henri de Boutray, Frédéric Holweck, Alain Giorgetti, Pierre-Alain Masson and Metod Saniga. Contextuality degree of quadrics in multi-qubit symplectic polar spaces., arXiv:2105.13798
[dHG+21] Henri de Boutray, Frédéric Holweck, Alain Giorgetti and Pierre-Alain Masson. Automated detection of contextuality proofs with intermediate numbers of observables. QPL’21, Poster
[SdHG21] Metod Saniga, Henri de Boutray, Frédéric Holweck and Alain Giorgetti. Taxonomy of Polar Subspaces of Multi-Qubit Symplectic Polar Spaces of Small Rank. doi:10.3390/math9182272
[HdS22] Frédéric Holweck, Henri de Boutray and Metod Saniga. Three-Qubit-Embedded Split Cayley Hexagon is Contextuality Sensitive. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-13079-3