Source code for mermin_on_qiskit.evaluation

import numpy as np
from qiskit import *

from . import run
from . import basis_change

[docs]def mermin_IBM(n): """ Returns the Mermin polynomials under a vector form. This form helps to form the corrects monomials that involves in every mermin evaluation. Example : In this case, the involving monomials are only the second one, the third one, the fith one and the last one because the others are equal to zero. >>> mermin_IBM(3) [0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5] :param int n: The number of qubits. :returns: list(float) -- The list of numbers corresponding to the existence and the value each monomial. """ if n == 1: # M1 is equal to |0> mn = [1, 0] else: # Recursion formula mn = 0.5 * (np.kron(mermin_IBM(n - 1), [1, 1]) + np.kron(mermin_IBM(n - 1)[::-1], [1, -1])) return list(mn)
[docs]def measures_exploitation(measures_dictionary, shots): """ Calculates the measurements probabilities For every possible cases (for example, with n = 2 : 00 01 10 11), the probability to get this combination when measuring is calculated. In order to obtain this probabilities, we sum the values of the cases where the number of 1 in the measurement is even and when it's then odd. Example : even_results = values of 00 and 11 measurements odd_results = values of 01 and 10 measurements :param dict measures_dictionary: the dictionary containing the measurements and their values. :param int shots: the number of times that the measurements are made. This is only in case of a local test. :returns: float -- The total probability of the dictionary measurement. """ even_results = 0 odd_results = 0 for measure in measures_dictionary: number_of_1 = measure.count('1') if number_of_1 % 2 == 0: even_results += measures_dictionary[measure] else: odd_results += measures_dictionary[measure] return (even_results - odd_results) / shots
[docs]def evaluate_monomial( n, n_measure, circuit, a_a_p_coeffs, shots, is_simulation=True, monitor=False, local=True): """ Draws the circuit if there are some additions and runs it to get the measurement of a monomial :param int n: The number of qubits. :param int n_measure: The measurement to be performed. Dictates whether a_i or a'_i is used on each wire. :param QuantumCircuit circuit: The original quantum circuit. :param array[float] a_a_p_coeffs: The coefficients of the matrices used to calculate Mermin operators. :param int shots: The number of repetitions of each circuit. Default: 1024. :param boolean is_simulation: This determines if we are in a case of a local test or a real IBM machine test. :param boolean monitor: If true a monitor is attached to the job. :param boolean local: If true, the job run on a local simulator. :returns: float -- The result of the measurement probabilities on one monomial. """ circuit_size = circuit.num_qubits circuit_aux = QuantumCircuit(circuit_size, n) basis_change.U3_gates_placement(n, n_measure, a_a_p_coeffs, circuit_aux) circuit_mesure = circuit + circuit_aux result = run.runCircuit( circuit_mesure, shots=shots, simulation=is_simulation, monitor=monitor, local=local) measure_monomial = measures_exploitation(result, shots) return measure_monomial
[docs]def evaluate_polynomial( n, circuit, a_a_p_coeffs, shots=1024, is_simulation=True, monitor=False, local=True): """ Makes all the implementation and calculation Caution!: The IBMQ account must be loaded before the execution of this function if the variable is_simulation is set to False. :param int n: The number of qubits. :param QuantumCircuit circuit: The original quantum circuit. :param list[list[any]] a_a_p_coeffs: Lists of lists of elements as described above (packed coefficients). :param int shots: The number of times that the measurements are made. This is only in case of a local test. :param boolean is_simulation: To specify if the codes are to run locally or on the IBM machine. :param boolean monitor: If true a monitor is attached to the job. :param boolean local: If true, the job run on a local simulator. :return: float -- The result of all the calculations. """ mermin_polynomial = mermin_IBM(n) total_result = 0 for i in range(2 ** n): if mermin_polynomial[i] != 0: measure_monomial = evaluate_monomial( n, i, circuit, a_a_p_coeffs, shots, is_simulation, monitor=monitor, local=local) total_result += mermin_polynomial[i] * measure_monomial return abs(total_result)